Examples of consultation responses to LTP5 Priority Areas

·           There needs to be a presumption of people over vehicles

·           We need to make it as easy to cycle as it is to drive

·           Safety and enforcement need a higher priority

·           Rename “Road Safety” as “Road Danger Reduction” to better identify the problem

·           Add a reference to the new Highway Code

·           There is a need for more education and information to the public including road safety, respect for other road users and responsibility, to improve driver/rider attitudes and culture

·           More enforcement of driver/rider behaviour

·           Increased investment in enforcement, monitoring and engagement is a priority

·           Increased engagement at the city wide and local neighbourhood level including mini-citizens assemblies to allow local people to positively and pro-actively engage in improvements to their communities

·           More research and data is required, including road traffic incidents and to better understand multi-modal travel and the barriers to inclusive travel

·           Bus and rail users are also pedestrians and some are also cyclists; the overall travel of individuals needs to be better reflected

·           There is insufficient focus on tackling the existing / everyday problems which currently reduce people’s willingness and ability to walk more

·           More emphasis on maintenance is required – getting the basics right

·           Public transport enhancements including Park and Ride are critical to the successful delivery of constraint measures

·           Unless car usage is reduced through decisive action, the other interventions are unlikely to deliver much success

·           Unless bus journey times are reduced, the desired objectives of more affordable travel and encouraging modal shift will be difficult to reach

·           Car parking is required to ensure that those who do not live on public transport corridors have the ability to travel

·           We need to accept that the current significant reluctance to using public transport due to Covid

·           A better balance is required between improvements for residents and visitors and the plan needs more consideration of longer distance journeys

·           Freight needs a higher profile and strategy

·           More consideration of disabled people is required e.g ability to access the city centre, accessing disabled parking, accessing BTN Bikeshare

·           People with visual impairments can’t cycle or drive; the plan needs more focus on the needs of disabled people who walk and use public transport

·           The plan needs consideration of disabled drivers who are not Blue Badge holders

·           More emphasis in needed on the use of planning e.g. car free streets, low traffic neighbourhoods

·           Micromobility should be accounted for within future planning

·           A number of comments on the legality of e-scooters and how they will feature in LTP5, including user requirements (e.g. insurance), where they can be used, and the need for cycling infrastructure to accommodate them

·           We need to be aware of potential disbenefits of new technology e.g. impact on cycle/pedestrian safety, higher traffic levels

·           As well as creating more attractive streets, planting of more trees will help manage air quality and tackle climate change, thereby supporting biodiversity

·           More circular economy projects are needed in the city

·           Interventions need to be delivered in a phased and pragmatic way with greater clarity on how they will be delivered including long term strategies